Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Be Frugal, Not Cheap

There is a big difference between being Frugal and being Cheap.   Be Frugal, not Cheap.

Frugal does not mean cheap.  It means to not waste money.  A Frugal person is someone who does not waste things.  They look to get the best value for their dollar.  They want to maximize what they get for their purchases.  Spending money is not what they worry about.  They concentrate on getting as much value for their money as they can.

A Cheap person only looks at the bottom line regardless of if it is good or bad.  Generic over brand name even if the generic brand only lasts half as long.  The least expensive item on the menu is ordered just to save money at the expense of the experience.  Spending money hurts.

Looking at the frugal person in the grocery store you will see they buy things they need and stock up when they are on sale.  If they like the name brand detergent they will get it but probably have a coupon.  If they want a steak, they will get one but it will be a cut they like.  Being on sale is not the determine factor.  They will try inexpensive options but if they don't like it as much as their normal purchase they will remember and not do it again.

I have a friend I will call cheap.  He drives all over town every week to get his groceries. Not just stops at different stores but goes out of his way to go to different stores.  He spends more money on gas than he saved buying things at different stores.

Be frugal, Not Cheap